About Reykjavík City Guide
In English
Reykjavík City Guide is one of the most distinguished tourist information guides published on the capital region. It is filled with extensive information about everything a traveller might need to know while staying in the city. The guide is published in 100,000 copies and is distributed over the year. Reykjavík City Guide is published in collaboration with Reykjavík City and is used by its staff.
Á íslensku
Reykjavík City Guide er einn vandaðasti upplýsingabæklingur höfuðborgarsvæðisins. Bæklingurinn kemur út árlega í 100.000 eintökum og er dreift jafnt yfir árið. Reykjavík City Guide er opinbert rit borgarinnar, unnið í samstarfi við Reykjavíkurborg.
Published by MD Reykjavík.
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